On 28th Feb the Gate headed to the ICA for our big clash with the lads from Sly & the Family Drone and our good friend Alan Courtis (of Reynols whose recent retrospective box set can be heard here) - 'twas an awesome night so big thanks from all of us here to everyone involved and to all who came. Here are some thoughts from some of the participants:
"I enjoy myself the band we played with was really amazing
i have a lot of fun it will do it again if the chance come again the night went well thanks to sly & the family drone." Ritchie (Jamaica!!)
"We took a taxi to Buckingham Palace of St. James. When we got there we had to sit down 'til we got called up. We did the sound before we started. Later they tried the drums and it sounded good. "Are there any more biscuits" i said for a joke. Then the time was getting near and the people were coming one by one. Then it started and people were dancing and a little girl came and joined us. It was loud when Sly & the Family Drone did their good sounds - smash up the sax was the main smash. Then we came on with the taps and drums so we played together with Sly band and it sounds good, it sounds like space sounds. I enjoy it, good night out." Leon (2Decks/Jamaica!!)
"It's good playing the drums with those people. I like it, I wanna go again." Mary (Jamaica!!)