Leon - I met Alan Courtis on Tuesday and I said hello. We started with taps round the chair and finger pointing and loud and soft then we started to play with him and it sounded really good. It would be nice if he could come again to do some more stuff. He's really good making sounds from instruments everywhere in the room. I was sitting on the chair watching a film before we came on it was good picture they show other films then I was cracking a story after the film. I sat with the others and listened to what he had to say and I looked back at the screen and they were playing good music on the film. It was good from the start. Oh yeah, Alan played as well right at the back on different instruments but we had to slow down and back fast we had to take turns round the room. I had to wait for a bit but I looked everywhere just in case it comes back there then it came but the whole thing was great. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS GIG AND THANKS TO ALAN FOR COMING PLEASE COME BACK IT BE NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. CHEERS MATE.
Labake - Alan Courtis came to the gate and showed us how to play great music and we had a great time and we learnt haw to play different instruments it was great, everyone had fun it was fantastic, everyone played something. I enjoyed playing the drums something I've never done and now music is is all I think about, I write and sing my own songs and I did what i do best, I sang.
Jason - Alan was a pretty cool guy, I'd like him to come again. I liked the talk he gave about people with disabilities because he showed pictures of people with learning disabilities playing music.
Kashan - It was very nice music. Alan was very good.
And here's our radio show featuring music from the show and interviews with Alan and various audience members -
Mandy - We had a day out at Kingston to do a fashion show with some models and we all dress up with the outfits what we made for the day out.
Duane - They played a song I played in the background called Believer. It was a crazy day and the first time I did it because I've never done that before. I just fashion innit?
Eddy - First time I've been on a show. Everybody was helpful and it was nice and everybody enjoyed themselves.
Mary - It's really good. People like it. The clothes were nice and the models dressed up smart, the tall guy with the shorts on him, the handsome guys and handsome ladies, one lady was very tall. A lot of people helping us out. They took loads of pictures. I want to go back again.
Marissa - Nice clothes, nice people, it was good there.
Film by Mark / Photography By Darren.
Big ups to Ecocore Magazine and the Stanley Picker Gallery.
The experimental Argentinean musician Alan Courtis (Reynols, Pauline Oliveros, Merzbow, Keiji Haino) is coming to do a workshop, lecture and a gig, at the Gate.
On 8th March at 2pm a lecture about music and learning disability, and a gig at 3pm with the The Gate's musicians, both are free.
The workshops have begun for Alan's performance here and things are going swimmingly - all are welcome, please click here for address and map.
Tonight 7th March at 8.00pm on Resonance FM "Clear Spot", interview to the experimental Argentinean musician Alan Courtis (Reynols, Pauline Oliveros, Keiji Haino, Merzbow) about his work with people with learning disability. For more info : https://www.latinwavesresonancefm.com/ or https://www.resonancefm.com/ Don't miss it!!!