Monday 20 November 2023


The blog is back! We have a very belated report on a blockbuster exhibition from May at the Horse Hospital called EVERYTHING MUST GO!

On display were hundreds of artworks: large scale sculptures, collages, videos and audio pieces, including a huge archive of paper works in piles on tables. Some highlights from the show were Mary's large and colourful ship sculptures made from bamboo twigs, which sailed away to Dover after the show; Labake's Sim house, a sculpture containing virtual recreations of her life; Richie's sculpture of his dream club made from cardboard with a bluetooth speaker inside it playing hits like 'Push The Feeling On' by the Nightcrawlers and Eddy's hip hop collages. In the early evening there were performances by Mr. AKA Amazing, Labake and Jason who sung an emotional rendition of his ode to Blackpool, his favourite holiday destination.

The show was a big success and a lot of people came.