Wednesday 5 January 2022

Carousel Radio Takeover: The Gate

Hey guys,

 The Gate was invited to take over Carousel Radio Show this month (January 2022).  Carousel is an art organisation based in Brighton which produce music bands  such as Zombie Crash, Sabien Gator, Daniel Wakeford, Beat Express and Fuzzbomb Flash Band among others; the OSKA Bright film festival and music gigs at the Blue Camel Club. Carousel Radio is a unique show and podcast where you can listen to people with learning disabilities talking by themselves about art, music, film, life, etc.  This is the first in a series of Takeover Shows, where they invite learning disabled artists from diverse communities to takeover an episode of  Carousel Radio. 

It was an amazing experience where our usual presenters 2 Decks, MC Top Richie, Mr Amazing and Labake talked about their music, art activities, hobbies, video games, football and lockdown. Everything was put in a high speed carousel, where it was mixed with some  other noises, non-sense, blah,blah et voila...they got it.  Play it if you dare!!

 For more information:


 Carousel Radio: